The P&C Association is a statutory organisation given responsibilities by Department of Education to administer the many voluntary services that are vital to the well-being of schools. The P&C plays a major role in fundraising for the school and contributes a considerable sum to the school each year. It is also responsible for many other important services and projects.
General meetings are held on the first or second Tuesday of each month at 6.30pm in the school library. Check the school calendar or P&C Facebook page for dates. All parents are welcome to join the P&C Association and attend meetings. The executive committee is elected during our AGM held in March each year.
Signup for P&C email updates.
For further information about any P&C activity, please contact the president on email address below.
President - Ryan Chappell
Vice President - Gemma Lindeman
Secretary - Tom Williams
Treasurer - Amber Mina
Communications/Media - Katrina Goodchild
The school tuckshop is operated by the P&C Association. We have a paid Tuckshop convenor and assistant convenor and rely on volunteer helpers to open on Wednesdays and Fridays. Menus and price lists are issued during the year and can be found on the tuckshop page.
The tuckshop has fully implemented the recommendations in the State Government’s “Healthy food and drink supply strategy for Queensland schools”. We have worked with Nutrition Australia to implement a menu following the "Smart Choice" guidelines.
All ordering is done online via School 24. Cut off time for orders is 8:30am on tuckshop days. Students can purchase ice creams and snacks over the counter.
The tuckshop cannot function without help from parents, grandparents and other caregivers. Please consider becoming a tuckshop volunteer. Being part of this group enables you to meet many people, while making a valuable contribution to our school community.
Dolphins Swim Club
The Norman Park State School and District Swimming Club is a sub committee of the P&C and we welcome swimmers from both Norman Park State School and the wider community. The aim of the club is to encourage swimming confidence and introduce children to the fun of racing in a supportive environment that focuses on participation and personal improvement. The swimming club is a great way for kids to make new friends, keep fit and learn good sportsmanship. Friday nights are club nights in Term 1 and 4, with the pool open at 5:30pm for a 6pm race start.
President - Paul Scutt Email:
Secretary - Renee Cansdale Email:
Treasurer - Ian Goodchild Email:
Starter/Registration - Matt Chiswell
Chief Marshall - Ben Cansdale & Ben Ryan
Announcer - Katrina Goodchild
Starter - Steve Daley
Communications and Marketing - Brooke Scutt
BBQ Coordinators - Mitch Beerling & Katie Beerling
BBQ Assistant - Mick Mitchell
Merchandise Officer - Jenny Bertram
First Aid Officer - Angela Vivian
Carnival Coordinator - Sarah de Bono
Music support group
The music support group (MSG) is a sub-committee of the P&C Association. The committee aims to provide both financial and practical support for the school’s Instrumental Music Program. Members of MSG organise ticketing, refreshments and fundraising at each instrumental performance event throughout the year.
MSG members are also active in putting together such events as the school musical, music concerts and our WACE Showcase, as well as assisting the instrumental teachers by seeking grants and fundraising to replace the school's instruments.
President(s) - Emily Shorten Williams
Secretary - Cat Buck
Treasurer - Claire Sellers
Second-hand uniform shop
The Norman Park P&C Association holds a second-hand uniform stall on an ‘as needs basis’ for those parents wishing to purchase second-hand uniforms. Times and dates are advertised in the newsletter. Parents are invited to donate good quality second-hand uniform items to the clothing pool.
The P&C Association and its sub-committees have made a strong commitment to the school over many years to provide a variety of resources. This is done through a varied number of events and projects run within the school community and outside in the broader community.
These events, while earning extra dollars for the school, provide many opportunities for families to join together and form life-long friendships.
Monies are spent on providing resources such as reading books, library books, mathematics, science, sporting, physical education, computer and playground facilities and swimming pool improvements to name a few.
Container Recycling - Norman Park SS P&C is registered for the Containers for Change program. If you would like to donate your credit, please use our code C10028399.
The P&C has an official Facebook page that is regularly updated with information on our events or important messages from the school.
Please email the Communications/Media team on for any enquiries about the P&C Facebook page.