


Norman Park State School is a co-educational school that offers classes from Prep to Year 6. All students in Prep to Year 6 who reside within the defined catchment boundary have a right to enrol at Norman Park State School and siblings of currently enrolled students. 

Check if you reside in our defined catchment boundary. Our total enrolment for the 2024 school year was 393.

Download your copy of our Application for student enrolment form (PDF, 335KB) and send to

​To determine when your child can commence their Prep year, use the Prep ready reckoner calculator.

Our enrolment checklist

The following guidelines are for parents wishing to enrol their child at Norman Park State School:

As well as the Department of Education's Enrolment Form above, we ask for the following forms to also be brought along to your interview:  

  1. Internet access agreement (PDF, 60KB). In accordance with Education Queensland's Policy, students are requested to complete an Internet Access Agreement as shown below, if they wish to use the internet at school. This consent continues until the student leaves Norman Park State School.

  2. State-school-consent-form-media-consent.pdf. This consent form authorises the Department of Education and the State to use the individual's copyright material, image, recording and name together with information about the individual's participation in department and state initiatives.

Bring your child's birth certificate/passport and two (2) forms of proof of residency as per our Enrolment Management Plan requirements, to the interview for verification. Where possible, please bring your child along to the interview.  Prepare any questions you have in readiness.

Read the Parent Information Handbook 2020-2021.pdf.

Our Enrolment Management Plan (PDF, 106 KB) aims to manage the continued growth of enrolments and school population through a transparent and consistently applied set of criteria, ensuring the optimisation of the student population in regard to accommodation, facilities and grounds.

Prep enrolment process

During Semester 2, Norman Park State School will hold an Parent Information Evening for future Prep parents to hear key school messages and information to assist with the transition to Prep.  During this evening, our School Council, P&C Association, Dolphins Swim Club and Helping Hands (Out of School Hours Care) will also inform parents of their roles and opportunities that each of these sub-committees provide.

All students enrolling at Norman Park State School will need to attend an Enrolment interview.  It is during this interview that parents can ask questions and tell us about their child.

In Term 4, we will invite our new Preppies into our school to experience a Prep morning.  Our ‘Open Morning’ is a great opportunity for both parents and children to experience a prep classroom, play inside and outside and meet some of the other children and their parents.

Out of catchment enrolments

Application for student enrolment forms can be accepted by email or delivered to the school office.  These applications will be kept on file, and will only be accessed, if and when, the Principal, supported by the School Council decides to approved limited ‘Out of Catchment’ enrolments.  If contact details are changed prior to the enrolment year, please notify the school office via email, so your records can be updated for future contact.

Last reviewed 07 November 2024
Last updated 07 November 2024