The school day
We take the safety and care of your children very seriously. The most appropriate time for arrival at school is between 8.20am and 8.40am. Children arriving before 8.20am must be booked into Jabiru school aged care or be supervised by an adult. Children presenting before 8.20am and not supervised by an adult or booked into school aged care will be directed to the school office for supervision and parent contact.
8.20am Students supervised under G Block from 8.20am
8.40am First bell – students move to classrooms
Morning session
8.45am Class begins – rolls are marked
First break
10.45am Year P-2 eating / Year 3-6 play
11.05am Year P-2 play / Year 3-6 eating
Middle session
11.30am Classes resume
Second break
1pm Year P-2 eating / Year 3-6 play
1.20pm Year 3-6 eating / Year P-2 play
Afternoon session
1.45pm Classes resume
3pm School finishes