Sports days
Students participate in either our Junior (Prep-Year 2) or Senior (Year 3-6) inter-house sports carnival, including cross country, athletics and swimming. Students represent one of our sporting houses Cook (green), Flinders (Red) and Oxley (Yellow). Students who are 9 years or older are eligible to attend Lytton District and Metropolitan East carnivals. Students who qualify for these carnivals will be notified and invited to represent Norman Park State School at these events.
All students from Prep to Year 6 attend swimming lessons as part of the Health and Physical Education program. Students in Years 1-6 swim once per week in Term 1 and Term 4. Prep Students swim once per week in Term 4 only.
Gala Sports Days
Students in Years 4 participate in interschool Gala Sports Days. There are a wide variety of sports offered including: Netball, AFL, basketball, soccer, volleyball or rugby league. Gala Sports Days allows students the opportunity to compete against other local schools.
Representative sport
Norman Park State School is
affiliated with the Lytton District for Primary Schools. This means children
are eligible for all representative sports whether or not the sport is played
at the school. While the school automatically sends teams to swimming and
athletics trials they may also nominate students for other sports. Requests
from parents or students who are excelling in any sport are welcome and can be
made to the PE teacher.